Local authorities and public services

Bréon Ducloyer Avocats advises its clients on regulatory and contractual issues relating to the governance of local governments and the organization of public services. 

Local authorities and cooperation

  • Advice on issues specific to local authorities and public establishments of local cooperation.

  • Assistance on the law applicable to local public companies and mixed economy companies.

  • Elections and electoral disputes.

  • Advice and representation in matters of public service law.

Public services

  • Assistance to public entities within the framework of their economic interventions.

  • Advice on the rules applicable to private persons in charge of a public service mission.

  • Assistance on how to organize public services: carrying out an activity on a self-governing basis or setting up a legal vehicle dedicated to this purpose, pricing. 

  • Summary proceedings: urgent application for the suspension of the enforcement of an administrative decision, urgent application to protect a fundamental freedom, urgent application for safeguarding or temporary measures, summary proceedings for expertise or any other inquiry measures, summary proceedings for the appointment of a judicial expert, summary proceedings for provision.

  • Annulment litigation: application for judicial review of administrative acts, authorizations, sanctions, enforceable titles, soft law standards giving rise to complaints.

  • Compensation litigation: contractual and extra-contractual liability of public entities.

  • Representation before civil courts in matters involving public law and regulation issues (civil summary proceedings, pre-contractual and post-contractual summary proceedings, contractual litigations).
